Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Mercy Buckets?

That's how my friend, Jer, says "thank you" and I'm not too far from that sort of butchery. My French is WEAK, at best. I understand glimmers of ideas, probably completely incorrectly when I try to make sense of this language and think my sketchy knowledge of Spanish will help. I had to use a translator program to try to read the little blog bits I read. I discovered the figurines (below) through an exploration into the Waldorf dolls (also below) I've been reading about. Happy to See You features some lovely dolls, and figurines as luck would have it. The blog, however, is in French.

I'm a fairy tale nut. I love the stories and all things fairy tale related.
For some reason I am completely captivated by this set of figurines.

Curious about the Waldorf dolls, I found a tutorial.
I am not ready to venture out in that direction, but others may be.
Here's the link.

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