Saturday, June 23, 2007

No Locks. No Love.

All my life I've battled the "hairy" forces of evil in the form of my father. He had no noble purpose for wanting me to cut my hair short. He just liked the "look" of a short haired woman. I would taunt him by saying I was growing it out long enough not to have to wear a shirt--you know, like Brooke Shields in The Blue Lagoon. I resist the urge to take a picture and prove I am finally there!

Lately, a few others have joined the hair police and now it's in the name of "charity." I am not sure what makes people think that just because I have long hair I should automatically donate it to Locks of Love. Recently, Marci's daughter performed that generous act by cutting her hair and donating it. She's now got short summer hair and it works--especially since she's young. I admire this and if I were to cut my hair I would definitely donate it (or at least have it made into a wig in case --I-- go bald one day.)

Maybe it's the sudden awareness or reminder of the program that makes every long haired person a potential donor. I am not a stranger to Locks of Love. I first became aware of it a number of years ago and Marci is not the first person to suggest I ought to cut my hair for cancer kids. In fact, Mike, my cousin-in-law recently heard about a school in his town that had a big push for Locks of Love and so, naturally, when he saw all that long, unnecessary hair on me, he had to suggest it... in case, I wasn't, you know, aware. That in itself is fine. I can understand the urge to inform. But the part I have a problem with is when people think they can persuade. Now, neither Mike, nor Marci offended me by their comments. Still it can be a bit irksome.

It is a bit like suggesting that my desire to look nice is somehow hurting others. It's selfish, because cancer kids need hair too. What about the kids? Are you a Christian? That is actually the remark that sent me right over the edge one day at Hollywood Video where I worked as a part time CSR for a few years. A complete stranger got a bit too aggressive with me and at first he was sort of "informative with a touch of pushy." The next time he came into the store he decided to try to really convince me... make me feel bad (really, why, people?). He actually asked, "Are you a Christian" which I thought was bold, because what if I wasn't? And then he proceeded to let me know that if I wouldn't be willing to sacrifice my vanity and pride and beautiful hair for Jesus then what kind of Christian was I? I responded with something to the effect of, "Well, Jesus hasn't asked me to." Then I retreated to the back office wondering if I had grounds for a restraining order, and I refused to come out until the asshole left. Yes, he was indeed a real champion for Christ. Spiritual blackmail is rarely the way to persuade me.

Perhaps being burned by the "Cut off Her Hair Crusader" has made me a teensy bit sensitive to the whole issue, but it turns out I may have a solution. I am thinking of doing dreadlocks. I'm pretty sure no one will want my hair then-- and frankly I am pretty sure it has a touch too much grey in it for most youth wigs. My dear sweet Ang turned me on to Sara's blog probably thinking it might be motivation to shop the local food co-op more, but my new desire is to have dreadlocks, just like Sara (well actually not just like her, my hair is much longer). The commitment level scares me. The removal of the dreads, should I choose to, scares me--will I need to cut my hair off at the scalp or can I do some kind of undreading treatment. Sara's not using wax, but every site I've seen seems to recommend it. I actually think it could be really nice on me and considering how easily my hair tangles up on its own, I think mine could naturally lock up in record time. Here are a few images of long haired Caucasian dreads I really like--granted my hair is darker.


E.Louise said...

do it! do it! You can always go to the next hallowe'en party as john travolta in that scientology movie :)

Anonymous said...

More Advice: I can't imagine you with short hair. I can't imagine you with dreadlocks. You just have the personality of someone with sleek long hair in my mind. Because you are an eclectic person who I view as willing to try anything, I can see you trying dreadlocks, though.


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