Thursday, June 28, 2007

The Cookie Jar

I am far, FAR from being a domestic goddess and am always striving to improve my kitchen prowess. As a young girl I was known for making two things: homemade macaroni and cheese and chocolate chip cookies. Those cookies were typically made in a double batch so there would be enough for the initial straight-from-the-oven warm cookie rush and also enough to give my dad a post dinner cookie or two for a couple weeks. Chocolate chip cookies were a staple at our house.

Now I find I bake far less often since I am not baking for my family and what I make I generally EAT. Nevertheless, I was overwhelmed with my mother's generosity when she offered to give me the cookie jar of my childhood. This particular kitchen artifact made its way into our family in 1969 as a wedding gift to my parents. I found one once in an antique store and almost bought it out of nostalgia, but when faced with the difficulty of bringing it home on the plane from Bakersfield, CA, I decided to wait. Now I'm glad I did. The real thing is better than any look-alike. Truly it's nothing special to the casual observer but to me, it's a treasure.

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