Friday, June 16, 2006

Well, set me on fire .... it's my favorite shade of rage...

Friday :: Red
When I was a child my mother, with a rare flash of fashion insight, dressed me in reds rather than the pinks and pastels of most wee ones... I think she was on to something. It's not a color to be taken lightly. It's not a color to ignore. Red is the color of power. It's the color of blood.
Red :: Life.
Soft sweet things can be found in ice creams and frostings but passionate flavor rests in the raspberry or in the strawberry, the full flavored grape. The cherry tomato, the slice of red pepper, or the bottle of tabasco sauce that does something to mashed potatoes that makes my mouth water. You barely know it's there but it all tastes better.
Red :: Zest.
Sure my wardrobe might resemble a circus, color exploding from my closet... but these ecclectic items have stories and memories woven into the fabric... when I wear my red and white checkered skirt I wear Sevilla, 2001. Or in my floor length Hawaiian print summer sleeveless I wear a dress I wore in a dream once that meant I was the one.
Red :: Forever


Sara said...

I have loved your color concept for your blog. The photos are beautiful.

Carm said...

Not my idea.... check out the link on Monday's post.... at her blog TONS of people have posted links to their BEAUTIFUL pictures... it's most fun when you can see others ideas too... Thank you for your kind words, though.


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