Wednesday, June 07, 2006

... to Grandma's House We Go

In the absence of hills and woods... we just drove straight to Grandma's. Good 'Ol North Dakota. Our visit was nice; oddly typical considering how sick she should probably be. Though she has now, more than ever, learned to delegate. Only about ten minutes after our arrival I was sent to fetch the mail and to buy a box of Rice Krispies for a recipe (I'll make these soon and post it... they are the yummiest cookies). Somehow these mailboxes remind me of my childhood. Comforting how some things never change.

Also, she had her entire garden planted and flower beds and her kitchen floor sparkling... I understand that some of my aunts have been helping. And I was afraid I'd find her bedridden... My Grandma has always been my rock. She's a the epitome of the Proverbs 31 woman, if such a thing existed and frankly I believe THAT lady is more of a myth or a compendium of what a woman could be. However, Grams has a lot going for her. Single since my grandpa died in 1975, she's truly an "independent woman."

We visited for while in the morning and had fried chicken for lunch. Granted I did a lot to help prepare the meal, watching her tear into a whole chicken with a knife and her bare hands ripping it apart, bones snapping, chicken fat tugged free... well it was rather unsettling. I am a little too removed from the ways of a farm kitchen. After lunch was naptime and I wandered the downtown and returned in time for a little quiz show fun... Playing Jeopardy with Grandma, like usual... if only we could tag team what I don't know she does and vice versa. Below are two familiar sights. One are some toys I played with as a child... I couldn't resist visiting them too. And the other must be Grandma's mantra. May God give her peace and preserve her spirit and health until our paths cross again.

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