Thursday, June 22, 2006

Thrift Store Gems

Yesterday I drove my mom to a doctor's appointment and we had a fun afternoon shopping both before and after we went to the clinic. One of the best stops was at Savers.... it's like a department store of thrift stuff. I bought two books. One was From Russia With Love by Ian Fleming for 49 cents and the other was a replacement for a David Sedaris book I loaned and lost earlier this spring. That book cost $2.00 but I still consider it a deal.

I didn't buy either of these record albums but I did look through the stacks and had a bit of a chuckle over these. The reality is that SOMEONE out there DID buy these records at one time. Oh my. There was also an inordinate amount of Hawaiian music and Christmas music... some of it was Hawaiian Christmas music.

I fell in love with this little milk jug. I have no need of it. But it was just so cheerful I couldn't resist.

I also found this little Fisher Price toy that I once had whenI was little. For some reason operating a cash register is considered "fun" when you are a child?

Finally I managed to try on my two clothing purchases right there in between the racks of clothing and didn't even have to head for the dressing rooms. I found a snuggly charcoal-colored wool cardigan sweater and a pretty cornflower blue cardigan (you might have guessed it was FREEZING cold in the store, since I was trying on sweaters when it was 80 degrees outside) At one point I tired of the whole affair (my mother can shop FOREVER) and I reverted to my junior high behaviour and went out to the car to "read my book." In all it was a satisfying day.

1 comment:

E.Louise said...

I nearly bid on a Palitoy treehouse the other day on ebay, and a fisher price garage (little red hen still has hers at her parents' house - it's so cool).


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