Monday, December 10, 2007

Flip and Tumble

Despite my attempts to be frugal this holiday season I had to splurge and pick up one of these. (Yes, the person I tend to spend the most on each year is ME) And I've had more comments/compliments on this thing than I ever expected. Virtually every time I've used it!

It is a sturdy sack that scrunches to fit inside a small stretchy pouch cleverly attached to the inside of the bag. You can get the idea from the pictures. I love this thing and wouldn't mind buying one for everyone I know, but my generosity has limitations or at least my credit card does. The flip and tumble bag fits in my purse or in the cubby in my car and then I never have an excuse to get "plastic bags" from Target again. I have other bigger bags I can bring with me to get groceries but this works wonderfully, especially if I'm not buying too much.


marvin said...

I often have trouble re-folding road maps. I can just see me struggling with one of these things to return it to that smooth, little, original ball shape. Not a very pretty thought! :-)

Carm said...

With road maps you want to be able to read them and get them to lie flat... this little gem is soft silky material that scrunches easily and the stretchy cover slips right over. It is a wonderful invention. I use it all the time. Maybe I should start buying these for everyone I know.

E.Louise said...

They have bags like this at The Bay for a dollar each. I bought lots for Christmas presents.

Carm said...

Ummm... don't I feel foolish. A dollar, you say? Hmmmm....


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