Sunday, July 02, 2006

A Diaryland Delight!

Can I just love on Mimi Smartypants for a moment? I've read her blog consistently since my discovery a few months ago, but I've not had a chance to explore the back log of brilliance. However, I would like to showcase two partial posts that left me chuckling...

(also I love her "signature line" or whatever you might call it... it changes with each post. V. funny)

This one about her daughter and their restaurant plans.


Nora: Can you write down MISO SOUP on this piece of paper?
Me: Sure. Why?
Nora: I'm going to cut the words out, put them in my pocket, and give them to the waitress tonight [at our planned sushi outing].
Me: Well, okay---but I'm sure they will have a menu there with the words MISO SOUP on it. Plus, you know, we can speak. We can just tell the waitress about miso soup...........

This one about peeing in a cup.


..............Immediately after checking in at the urologist's office, they requested some pee. At my regular doctor, you pee in a laboratory specimen cup, with a lid. At the urologist, they just handed me a plastic drinking cup, of the sort you find stacked by the keg at a frat party, with my name magic-markered on the side. And no lid. It was as if they were trying to make a special point. "You think we are scared of a little pee? Give us a break. We are urology. We are all about pee. In open containers, no less." Then I imagine this pee-bravado spokesperson maniacally splashing pee on himself, and continuing to yell about how it does not bother him one bit. I also imagine a German accent, for some reason..........


marvin said...

In certain parts of the world, pee (or urine to be more "correct") is widely considered to be useful as a "health inducing beverage." Often, it is one's own pee which is to be drunk by the person in question for this benefit; but, sometimes, it is the pee of others.

Of course, from a clinical standpoint, this makes a lot of sense, as fresh urine tends to be relatively "sterile" of bacteria and other such nasties, and is often loaded with vitamins and minerals which the body did not fully absorb on the first run-through.

Considering the rather high cost of vitamin supplements in this era of the shrinking U.S. dollar (brought on by Dubya's evil insanity and criminal incompetence) people all over the "Western World" may soon need to resort to pee drinking as a means of staying healthy.

I've often wondered if there was "a fortune" to be made in "bottled urine," just the way some have gotten rich from bottled water! (After all, what a brilliant wheeze THAT was!)

Carm said...

Oh Lord. I just threw up a little in my mouth. Sorry... that bottled pee product... IT'S ALL YOURS!


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