Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Creative Cooking Concept.4 Holy Moly! It's Guacamole!

Yesterday I was seized with an undeniable craving... I'm starting to realize that this sort of thing happens often. (not really a good indicator for future weight loss, I'm afraid) The name of this one was guacamole. Yum. I was babysitting that morning and began my fixation by describing for the kids what it's like. I got to the part about the avocadoes and Rosa got excited and said... we know what that is... and she turned to her brother and said... it's the fruit with alligator skin and is all slimy inside. Hmmm... Sounds, delish! So I picked up some ingredients on my way home and whipped up a batch. The way I make it is a little different each time. It all depends on the size of the avocadoes or the size of the tomatoes...

This is the general idea:

2-3 avocadoes (split these in half and scoop out the avocado and mash it up)

1-2 tomatoes (only the firm part... remove all seeds and juice--I've discovered halving the tomatoes and using a grapefruit spoon works well)

two or three cloves of garlic finely chopped

juice from a couple lemons (or in a pinch I substitute real lemon juice from the bottle... not QUITE as good, but it'll do)

salt and pepper to taste

Another tip I picked up from my friend Sara H. is to save the pits of the avocado and to bury them in the guacamole and seal it up in an airtight container. Between the lemon juice and the pits I find it doesn't turn brown like it often does.

1 comment:

Missy said...

Wow, I never heard the saving the pit tip. Interesting, I'll have to try that next time (if there are leftovers...)


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