Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Reading Watching, Listening..... August in Review

What I Was Reading in August

Shopaholic and Baby by Sophie Kinsella
Hood by Stephen Lawhead
Plum Lovin' by Janet Evanovich
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling
Sophie's World by Jostein Gaarder

The first two titles listed were both audiobooks and I'm trying to get back into the habit of listening to them. I find I can do other things with my hands and time and STILL manage to get some reading done. Hood was meant to be a book for Emma and I and our roadtrip, but we only made it about halfway through the story and I'm still languishing somewhere in the middle. It's okay, not too gripping... so I guess it wasn't the best choice for the road. Shopaholic on the other hand was pretty funny. I listened to some of it on the plane on my ride home and I finished it up while cleaning house and doing laundry and ironing, etc. I think I could maybe exercise to some books.

Plum Lovin' is a "between the numbers" Stephanie Plum book. It's almost too thin of a book to be truly good. Though it's a bit like a yummy dessert in between a whole lot of fiber. Like most Stephanie Plum books, it left me wondering what it would be like to have a Joe Morelli, Tank, or Ranger hanging around steaming up the place. Hmmmm...

Sophie's World represents the fiber in my reading diet this month. We chose this one for book club since it was one nearly every one of us had on the shelf but had never read. It's meant to be a novel and also a "history of philosophy." The premise is cool. The information is good but slow going. The story is a bit bizarre. I know how it ends since we've already met for our discussion, but I'm still plugging away on it. I'm about halfway there.

The Harry Potter books read much faster than number five. In fact, we could probably blame my lack of completion on Sophie's World to these titles. I'm satisfied with how it all ended. That's all I will say. No spoilers here.

What I Was Watching in August

TV series on DVD

The Astronaut Farmer
The Last Sin Eater

In the Theatre
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Becoming Jane

August is always a busy month and this one was no exception. My Netflix account was barely worth having this month since I wasn't able to watch very many films at all. I did get to watch the first episode of MI-5, per Emma's suggestion. It's a bit like a British Alias. Only without the crazy costumes. So far. I've only seen the first episode and I'm looking forward to more. I watched it using the Netflix 'get it now' program which allowed me to watch it right on my computer.

The Astronaut Farmer is the Billy Bob Thorton film about a man determined to launch a rocket from his own farm. It was a bit nuts, and if anything it was about family and faith and trust in each other. Bobby, I loved. It tells the story of an all-star cast full of fictional people during the time leading up to the assassination of Bobby Kennedy at the Ambassador Hotel. 300 was a disappointment. Far too much violence and not nearly enough inspiration. I didn't realize it was another "graphic novel made movie." I hated Sin City, so I guess I was warned. I just didn't pay attention. The Last Sin Eater is a Christian film based on a book by Francine Rivers that I read and enjoyed a number of years ago. It's about a Welsh settlement, set in the Appalachians, who believe they need to honor the old custom of having a "sin eater" who takes away the sins of the people when they die. Michael Caine is remaking Sleuth with Jude Law and it's due out this year, I believe. In the original which I just watched Lawrence Olivier plays the eccentric mystery writer and Michael Caine, the young man who is sleeping with Olivier's wife. It's based on a hit play that features only two actors and many twists in the plot. It was okay. Somewhat creepy with all the dolls. I am curious how it will be redone. I am a bit more curious as to WHY?

This month was my last desperate attempt to cram in some trips to the theatre before summer was over. I was disappointed by the Harry Potter film, possibly because they left out things I would have included and it was an impossible task of including everything considering the book is nearly 1000 pages long of something like that.

Emma and I saw Becoming Jane in at the Colossus in Langley, B.C. I enjoyed it, but I typically enjoy anything related to Pride and Prejudice. Though I am rarely a fan of the attempt at "aging" the characters for the ending. It's just never very well done.

I already wrote about my love of Hairspray and see it you must! Now I just need to see the Broadway production.

Stardust got iffy reviews and so it was one Emma and I passed over for that reason. Still, Pam persisted and we ventured out to see that a few weeks ago. I rather enjoyed the playful fantastical romp it was. It reminded me of The Princess Bride and Time Bandits and yet it wasn't quite on that level. I did think, perhaps if I'd never seen those films and was encountering this one as a young person for the first time it might actually become that sort of movie for me with all the love a childhood favorite deserves. I'd recommend a rent, at least!

What I Was Listening to in August

Well, immediately after watching Hairspray I went to the library looking for the soundtrack. I found the original Broadway recording and enjoyed that version until I could get my hands on the movie soundtrack which appeared to be sold out everywhere I looked. I love the music in this musical... It's much like Mamma Mia, music that demands a sing-a-long.

I also picked up a copy of Those the Brokes, the newer CD by The Magic Numbers. The jury is still out on this one. I loved the first cd so much that I think, it's a bit unfair to the new album... More on this late, I'm sure.

My Chemical Romance has been romancing me all month. I've decided I like nearly every single song on the CD, but that didn't prevent me from incorrectly identifying one of their songs at trivia last week.

a random sampling from my MP3 player
here are my posted shuffles:

August 2
If you Leave Me Now by Chicago
Is This the Way to Amarillo by Tony Christie
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La Da by The Beatles
Hot Child in the City by Nick Gilder
Never Going Back Again by Fleetwood Mac

August 24

Black Horse and a Cherry Tree by KT Tunstall
Every Breath You Take by The Police
I'll Take You There by The Staple Singers
Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne
Modern Girl by Sleater-Kinney


E.Louise said...

Hurray for MI-5! I'm charging headlong through season one of Prison Break - Sarah was right (of course) it's great!

julia said...

Hi Carmyn,

Don't have your current email or postal address.

Could you please email me and I'll let you know all our news (and there's lots!)

Have a great day.

Julia McGinty


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