Sunday, November 06, 2005

Roti-Rama.... My Indian Cooking Class

Today was class number two. I was surrounded by people who actually can cook and do in clever and daring ways. I dream of one day being able to cook something other than macaroni and cheese, but I suspect there is the possibility I will end up with someone (dare I hope) who cooks all our meals while I smile encouragingly. Still I press on.

A month ago I learned how to prepare Basmati rice, Moong beans with gravy, Cucumber Raita, and Cauliflower with potatoes and we discovered that the recipes for these were each fairly versatile.... We also learned lots of cool facts about spices.

This time we learned how to make Spinach Dal, Baingan Bherta, and Roti. We also got to eat a cabbage version of the cauliflower dish we made last time and we tried Dahi Wada (sp?). Since I really like Indian food and there is no restaurant nearby I figure this knowledge will serve me well, if I actually try to make the foods before I forget all I've learned. Roti is the thing I want to master first. We got to try it ourselves and I was rather impressed with the whole process. There are all sorts of fun new kitchen equipment items I now "need," however... I particularly like the rolling pins that look like drumsticks... the pictures below detail the steps in making roti once the dough is mixed up.


marvin said...

"What's in a name? That which we call a flatbread
By any other word would taste just as unleavened."

Carm said...

Have you eaten "roti" before? I did buy one of those wire over the burner things. I am excited to try it.


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