Saturday, October 01, 2005

Read, Watch, Listen.... September in Review

What I Was Reading in September

The Wonder Spot by Melissa Bank

Imagined London a tour of the world's greatest fictional city by Anna Quindlen

Curious Incident of a Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Hadden

Expletive Deleted a good look at bad language by Ruth Wajnryb

What I actually completed?
Curious Incident of a Dog in the Night-Time

Unless one counts my attempts at keeping up the tide of Entertainment Weekly magazines that keep showing up in my mailbox. I think I made my way through two issues of that interrupted by Rolling Stone issues I couldn't resist. Sigh. There has been no time to read.

What I Was Watching in September

I started out by watching a couple Bond films (still working on my 101 list). Then my TV viewing was overwehlemed by Hurricane Katrina footage until I could not watch any more. I found myself reverting to my daily habit of suppertime viewing (5-7pm) and not much else... Thus my Will and Grace interest which ended as quickly as it beg an. So, lately I've been discovering my lost love of Seinfeld during that time slot. I've managed to catch a few episodes of Inside the Actor's Studio which I always enjoy. I have also watched a number of movies in the past month. And let's not forget my obsession with the Panda Cam.
Ice Princess
Bride and Prejudice
An American in Paris
The Full Monty
Fever Pitch
A Lot Like Love
Crash (2005)
The Muppets' Wizard of Oz

I have already blogged about a few of the titles... the others were ones I watched mainly because I have a Hollywood Video MVP deal and they were "free" as in they were available for no additional cost aside from the monthly fee I pay them.... this is about to end, however since they are ever-so-subtly trying to space out the availability of the new release title so that in the month of September I only managed to find three films that were eligible for rent on my MVP while the others were borrowed, rented with rainchecks or coupons. I may switch to Netflix. They have a better selection anyway. I am just not sure if I will get them fast enough when I want them.

My quickie reviews:

Muppets' Wizard of Oz was disappointing. Quite. Bride and Prejudice was an a version of Pride and Prejudice set mostly in modern day India. It was interesting, colorful and the songs were fun. I am not sure I'd recommend it, however. Most of the fun to be had was found in recognizing the classic story in this version. I'd seen The Full Monty before but I forgot how great it was. This is a must-see. Also it has a decent soundtrack. Finally, I really liked Crash. It was a moving film that depicted racial tensions in LA between a variety of characters in a range of lifestyles and experiences. I didn't know much about the film but I was pleasantly surprised.

What I Was Listening to in September

Mamma Mia! The Musical Based on the Songs of ABBA: The Original 1999 London Cast

The White Stripes...... Get Behind Me Satan, White Blood Cells, Elephant

Sleater-Kinney.......... The Woods, One Beat

ABBA Oro Grandes Exitos

I am not even sure I can express my love for the White Stripes. That's why I haven't tried yet. Sleater-Kinney was pressed into my hands by a student who insisted I needed to hear them... she is a cool kid who's actually heard of L7 and loves bands such as the Clash, Siouxsie and the Banshees, and Debbie Harry... I figured it might be worth a listen. She was right. Still, I am strangely obsessed with this Mamma Mia! soundtrack. This is my currently most played item. Also the Spanish ABBA CD was a trade for my ABBA Gold. Pam had the cd in Spanish and I had it in English so we swapped. It's also rather fun to hear the familiar songs in another language... ABBA, I admire your willingness to record in many languages. In addition I recently moved all my musical files from my old computer to my new laptop and I've been listening to old songs that I'd forgotten about. Terrific fun! It's sort of like having an Ipod shuffle only not as portable and convenient!

1 comment:

E.Louise said...

Hi there. I agree with your Bride and Prejudice comments - has the new Pride and Prejudice come out there? Supposed to be good despite the lack of Colin Firth and presence of Keira Knightley.


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