Monday, October 03, 2005

Magnetic Poetry in the Classroom

While this seems like a good idea as a teacher and lover of poetry, I've discovered it does come with a slight drawback. My students' creativity only seems to have one direction.... This wouldn't be a problem if the principal didn't periodically wander through my classroom or if the school board didn't occasionally use our building for meetings that often included tours of the facility.... The student magnet creations don't really amount to poems so much as strings of words like graffiti or bumper sticker slogans.

What follows are the words I've been subtly weeding out from the word selection on the metal cabinet in my room. I was removing a word or two at a time, but the little devils are immensely creative and keep finding ways to say what they want to say... It's almost become a sort of game, only I am not sure they've figured out that certain words are disappearing... A few days ago I arranged the handful of magnetic tiles on the inside of my desk drawer and was rather impressed. It does make me wonder how Magnetic Poetry selects their words.



Carm said...

Yes, no surprise there! Hope your birthday was terrific. Going out with you and your pals would have depressed me more... since I am about a million years older than you and your crew!

Carm said...

hag out, eh? That's a new one! I haven't been called a "hag" in awhile! :)


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