Friday, September 23, 2005

Zero Expectations Results in Pleasant Surprise

My favorite moment in the film A Lot Like Love is this one. After his girlfriend ditches him, Oliver(Ashton Kutcher) flees his formerly well-ordered life to meet up with Emily(Amanda Peet), a girl he met and befriended years earlier. In a very When Harry Met Sally type relationship the two keep meeting up, though more deliberately in this movie than in the Reiner film. This is their third encounter and Emily tries to comfort him over pancakes when she is faced with a ghost from her own past that leaves her equally unsettled. What results is an impromptu road trip to somewhere north....

Perhaps the reason I love this scene is that I have longed to do this very thing about a hundred times in my life... walk out the door, get in the car, and start driving.... if I'd had a willing travel buddy I might have been more inclined to act on this impulse. The whole idea appeals but the icing on the cake is when Oliver keeps trying to talk about his failed relationship in this confessional searching way and Emily just gives him this look and turns up the radio... and the song is "If You Leave Me Now" by Chicago. Oliver is not to be put off his story and he gives her a sidelong glance and proceeds... Emily turns up the radio and starts to sing along in a lovely off-key way. He continues to talk, realizing he's fighting a losing battle. She turns up the music and before long he's singing along. It was this great moment when it was okay to just be... not to analyze the relationships, the failures. No words could fix anything at that point. Turning up the radio and singing along with Peter Cetera seemed the best thing to do... the perfect thing.


marvin said...

I think it's a little gross how this movie, "A Lot Like Love," features a sexual relationship between a 27-year-old man and a 33-year-old woman. I mean that's a full S-I-X year difference in their ages, and it's the woman who's the older one! It's just sort of icky... you know... like she's robbing the cradle? But that's Hollywood for you, always grinding these disgusting perversions right into our faces like half of a grapefruit at the breakfast table!

I notice that Ashton Kutcher just got married about nine or ten days ago in Los Angeles. I certainly hope he has better taste and judgment in his REAL LIFE than he has in choosing some of these sick, demented movies in which he's been repeatedly willing to accept roles!

Carm said...

You think you're funny, don't you?


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