Monday, January 29, 2007

Knitting A-round.....

One of my knitting goals is to use circular needles and I found a pattern for a cute little infant hat. This is my stuffed bear modeling it since I've no wee baby to use as a model.

Here's me with the itty bitty circular needles and some stitch markers too. I feel like I'm really getting in to the knitting world.

For me it took a little of figuring out but I will say it was fun to knit stockinette this way since I didn't have to do any purling... I guess that must be why some folks love knitting with circular needles. The bit where I had to use the double pointed ones, though, was a bit frightening and I actually did screw it up a tad. However it still worked out. I am either immediately going to try to make another one just like this to see how long it takes now that I know what I am doing or I'm going to try a pattern for adults and actually see if I can make a hat for me. I've already got my eye on a few of those.


Anonymous said...

I'm getting a nephew in a few weeks time who could use it :)

Carm said...


Ah, yes... potential baby recipients I have no shortage of... it was the mere model I was lacking. I settled for a grapefruit. I am hoping I can make a few more of these little goodies so I can send them out to the just born and soon to be born babes in my life too... If I get on a roll I'll have to send one across the Atlantic for you and your soon-to-be-born nephew!


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