Friday, November 24, 2006

Thanksgiving. Bah Humbug.

If I think too deeply about Thanksgiving.... the holiday for "giving thanks" I just get all twitchy and feel like.... like ..... kicking a dog (no, not really--that's just insane). It's a time when the Pollyannas of the world all pull out their gratitude journals and look for the items that are starred for this annual celebration of all that is good in life... for their many blessings. Hummphhh. Most of the time, I AM a bit Pollyanna and I like that about myself. However, lately I feel like the clouds are gathering and the only silver lining is just some silver iodide that was seeded by weather mod planes in an effort to bring some rain and it's not working anyway. I feel like everyone is really good at seeing silver linings in someone else's life... and if they don't they try to force one in.

I try to think of all the reasons to be thankful and it usually falls into the well, this was super shitty, but it could have been way worse... just think how it could have been worse.... Ahhh... yes, now I feel better. Thank you, God, for the way you've only maimed my life and not mortally wounded it. Hmmmm.... Of course I am exaggerating, but there have been dark days lately. And no I don't blame God. I kind of feel as if He's not real involved. And that's a good thing or else I'd have to kick some divine ass.

I refuse to get specific. To wallow any more than these paragraphs have already wallowed. So, I think the best way to think of Thanksgiving is like my sister, Ashley, does..... Turkey Day. She was supremely excited. And for good reason... who doesn't love a turkey? (well, maybe vegans and the like, but hey!)My mom decided to invite us all over for our Turkey Day meal and then on Monday decided that while she was up for all the cooking (or most of the big stuff) she wanted me to host it at my apartment. No problem. I actually LIKE having house guests. I love my little cozy world and I like to invite others in; we feasted at my place and after everyone promptly fell asleep Sleeping Beauty-style.... it was like a spell was cast and only Ashley and I were immune. We surfed the Net and visited instead. We watched some films and mom and I played Scrabble. The night ended with watching The Da Vinci Code and it wasn't nearly as bad as everyone said.


Anonymous said...

silver rain-making what now? What are you doing for New Year? Not going near any cliffs I hope (I know there are many in your neck of the woods).

Carm said...

oh my goodness... cliffs... that reminds me. I saw the funniest poster in the hospital on the wall in a waiting room. I have to look for a copy of it. The gist was "Not everything your friends do is a good idea" and it showed these scared looking little teddy bears all running off a cliff. I forgot my camera and I almost went BACK for a picture.... it was THAT good.

Anonymous said...

You think that's funny - there's one here on the back of a restroom door (so you read it when you're in there) with a high-flying eagle and the words 'Let go and let God'. THAT's funny.
It's true though, not everything your friends do is a good idea - like, I dunno, staring into the floodlights at Winnipeg city hall, for example.

Anonymous said...

Curious Miss Trivia what sextons are?

Carm said...

A sexton is someone whose job is to take care of a church building and the area around it and do other related things, such as ring bells .... in this case the word is plural! I know what you are thinking... Way to use that 'X'! :)


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