Monday, November 06, 2006

'Snot Fun

I managed to catch a cold on Halloween and it's lingering, trying to decide if it's getting worse or better. I was feeling spry all day Sunday as I tripped around town running errands in the warm weather. But by 10 pm I was starting to feel pretty low and so I succumbed to the devil of cold medicine and took a Contac, which years ago (when they still had capsules) used to do the trick. It's a 12 hour pill and yet in recent years because of problems with the manufacture of meth or other "abused" drugs that require cold medicines, the companies changed their formulas. Now NOTHING works to make my head colds better. I took a pill at 10:30 pm and went to sleep. I awakened at 2:00 am to a head so full of snot loosening and dripping that I used about half a box of kleenexes and gagged and coughed for about an hour before I finally was able to go back to sleep. It was like my brain was melting or there was some sort of mucus factory in my head. I haven't been that miserable in awhile. If I were smart I might have called in sick today instead of going to work and infecting everyone around me, if in fact, I am contagious. But I realize I have a job where a missed day is twice as much work as it would be if I'd just go in and go through the motions. I was cursing the failure of cold medications last night and the failure of my body to repair itself and stop this ridiculous sinus/head cold. I don't think I've slept an entire night of sleep in a week. It's starting to wear on me. Look out. I might start writing delirious nonsense.


Anonymous said...

That picture is horrible! I too have had a cold so I sympathise entirely. I think if it carries on you should visit the Doc, IMHO.

Anonymous said...

PS Have you heard about NaNoWriMo ? Sounds like your kind of thing.

Carm said...

Yep. I actually have a sidebar link to NaNoWriMo... my friend Marci's trying it this year. Also, it's only 101 things to do list. Too late to start this year, though.


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