Sunday, November 26, 2006

Clean as a Whistle

I have rather limited experience with laundromats. I once used coin operated machines in the dorms and have used ones in some apartment buildings I lived in. My experiences have often been those of frustration with people who were there before me... doing laundry and then magically disappearing just as their loads finished washing. The proper etiquette eludes me. I know that I would understand if someone removed MY clothing from a completed washer and placed it within my handy waiting basket or piled it neatly on the counter nearby... BUT I would never be the person who left her laundry unattended. So, I'm stumped. This is typically the trouble with apartment laundry rooms, and I sure don't want to get in a shouting match with a laundry-pro who believes I've crossed the line. So, imagine my surprise when I strolled into Busy Bubbles and found only a few open washers and a room full of completed washers stuffed with clean clothes and no one to be found... not even a car in the parking lot. I wandered counting empty washers seeking enough for the seven average sized loads I needed to wash and doing the calculations to determine which could be combined for a larger washing machine. Finally I gave up in disgust and found a different laundromat. I spent more money than I expected, but my laundry was done in record time and now most of it is happily air drying all over my apartment... I love the smell of clean clothes in the morning!


Anonymous said...

You know the rule: no suds no save. What? That's not the rule and you know it. And did you sing the 'uh oh, the laundry's done' song? Friends quiz: name the 'macho' laundry detergent Ross takes on his laundry date with Rachel.
Why are you using laundromats anyway? Did your maid quit?

banjo bandida said...

Hey...I feel your laundry frustration. Some day we'll have our own washer/dryer and the world will be a better place. I love the smell of clean clothes too. I have candles and air fresheners to fill in between laundry days.


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