Saturday, April 15, 2006

You have got to be kidding me!


DEAR ABBY: I recently made a batch of pancakes for my healthy 14-year-old son, using a mix that was in our pantry. He said that they tasted "funny," but ate them anyway. About 10 minutes later, he began having difficulty breathing and his lips began turning purple. I gave him his allergy pill, had him sit on the sofa and told him to relax. He was wheezing while inhaling and exhaling.

My husband, a volunteer firefighter and EMT, heated up some water, and we had my son lean over the water so the steam could clear his chest and sinuses. Soon, his breathing became more regular and his lips returned to a more normal color.

We checked the date on the box of pancake mix and, to my dismay, found it was very outdated. As a reference librarian at an academic institution, I have the ability to search through many research databases. I did just that, and found an article the next day that mentioned a 19-year-old male DYING after eating pancakes made with outdated mix. Apparently, the mold that forms in old pancake mix can be toxic! (for the rest of the article read here....)

About a week ago I made pancakes from a box of Bisquick and I didn't think anything of it until I was nearly done and saw the date on the top of the box... "Best if used by October 04, 2005."

I guess I am lucky to be alive.


Sara said...

I have abandoned Bisquick all together. I am now using several recipes from They have some outstanding waffle recipes on For your own safety, you might want to check it out. ;)

Carm said...

The funny thing is I don't even like pancakes. (please forgive me, Melissa.... I know how much you love breakfast foods!)And Sara, with your delightful recipes on your blog, who needs I've been craving banana bread for a week now!

shelly said...

i laughed right out loud when i read this. the last line is unbearably funny to me and i keep re-reading it to make myself smile. why can't i be funny like this? damn. btw, were you in a theater last night? i swear i saw you...

Carm said...

Hey! Don't tell me you were in Fargo. I can't believe it! Yes, I was there... I LOVE DAVID SEDARIS!


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