Saturday, July 01, 2006

The Fall of Man

I discovered links to LEGO wonder on The Sheila Variations and her post was great with all sorts of fun highlights. You could begin there or simply go to the site and explore. Test your Bible knowledge. And of course if you are easily offended you might want to use the rating system that identifies which have nudity, sexual content, violence and cursing. Or if you are me, you could START there. The site is called The Brick Testament and it's maintained by the Reverend Brendan Powell Smith. For more information check it out.


marvin said...

That is really amazing stuff! It makes one realize, in a very graphic way, just how crazy and absurd the Bible really is! Even Jesus, as he was portrayed in the Bible, was not immune from the taint which infects the entire book. For instance, just "view" the parable of "the many murders" as it is shown by these crazed Lego fanatics! Murder after murder, after murder, and what is the "Christian" solution? Why, even more violence and more murders, of course! .... ;-)

Carm said...

Wow. I hadn't looked at all those violent ones... I was so caught up in the drowning and the nudity...

Lego blood is freaky!


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