Monday, July 31, 2006

Creative Cooking Concept.5 The Wedger

While babysitting recently I stumbled upon a goldmine of a discovery. The apple wedger. I realize to most people this isn't breaking news. But to the girl who rarely eats apples because she see them as "too much work"..... well, let's just say I was thrilled... In an effort to make a healthy side dish with our pasta I grabbed three small apples from the fridge and the 6-year-old showed me how it works. Of course theirs was a pampered chef wedger and the one I recently bought was a lil Michael Graves number from Target... but I think it works just great and mine has handles that fold in for easy storage. So the snack of the week is probably boring to most but revolutionary to me.... Sliced apples dipped in Stonyfield lowfat plain yogurt. Delish.

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