Thursday, July 07, 2011

Water, Water, Everywhere!

For the past few months I've been watching updates of flooding in the Bismarck-Mandan area and hearing about my friend's flood fight in Burlington, ND. It's been a bit eerie and has certainly sent me into a spiral of Flood of '97 flashbacks. Yesterday I saw some sweet pictures young students from Grand Forks made to send to the kids in Minot to show their support. They were a lovely gesture, but a few of them made me laugh out loud with the irony of it all.

I have to share my three faves. The whole collection can be found here!

The typed message at the bottom is the BEST. It reads: "I'm sad because of what happened to you. I don't like major flooding." .............. as opposed to minor flooding. That's okay. :)

This was just sweet and then I looked at WHO created the picture. It has Biblical allusions. Tee hee.

Yep. Move to Grand Forks. It NEVER floods here!

1 comment:

Crosby Kenyon said...

The picture by Noah is a bit of a mindblower,


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